Amiga Commodore animation 1986 displayed at Colpatria Tower / Torre Colpatria, during the 2017 Barcu art fair Bogota 2017 art fairs 25-30 October

Comics Revisited reveals unexpected encounters between comics and other artistic languages, a productive dialogue in which narrations and abstractions, strips and panels, plane colours and speech balloons, heroes and legends come to new senses and possibilities. For info click here

Sign of the Faculty of Dramatic Sciences of the UvA (University of Amsterdam) on the Amstel river side of the building in "Marroquin Roman" Raul Marroquin's block letter transformed into a computer font, 1992

Video Guards X 2 Monitors Installation Raul Marroquin 1975 Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Single vynil record of Raul Marroquin's rock band The Sets (X4 Black and White video monitors featured in Marroquin's World First TV Convention Amsterdam 1981.
The made the single (Dutch) TV hit parade "Top Pop" in March 1982.

Fandangos Magazine by Raul Marroquin Third Issue: VanTangos 3 1972 first Offset Issue of the publication 3000 monochrome copies with blue Inset

Shower composite: ShowerHead, Crystal TearDrops suspended in coper wire 090 x 10 cm with Shower sound loop in cassette player
Raul Marroquin 1986
(private collection New York)

ready made 2017 edition of 5 in CardBoard box signed and numbered
Children Game Raul Marroquin 1973 varnished monochrome SilkScreen 50 X 70 cm edition of 25 & 7 artist proofs signe and numbered

"Transformation of the Environment in Liege" Raul Marroquin 1972 marron monochrome SilkScreen of a single frame from the video recording of the performance" Transformation of the Environment" Conservatory Liege 53 x 28 cm with 4 rubber stamps edition of 20 + 5 artists proofs signed and numbered

Single Frame of the video recording from the performance of "Fandangos Evening News" (starring Titus Muizelaar) De Appel Amsterdam 1977 a work of Raul Marroquin screened as part of the exhibition "the 1980s Today's Beginings" van Abbe Museum Eindhoven

Amiga Commodore animation 1986 displayed at Colpatria Tower / Torre Colpatria, during the 2017 Barcu art fair Bogota 2017 art fairs 25-30 October
Comics Revisited reveals unexpected encounters between comics and other artistic languages, a productive dialogue in which narrations and abstractions, strips and panels, plane colours and speech balloons, heroes and legends come to new senses and possibilities. For info click here
Sign of the Faculty of Dramatic Sciences of the UvA (University of Amsterdam) on the Amstel river side of the building in "Marroquin Roman" Raul Marroquin's block letter transformed into a computer font, 1992
Video Guards X 2 Monitors Installation Raul Marroquin 1975 Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Single vynil record of Raul Marroquin's rock band The Sets (X4 Black and White video monitors featured in Marroquin's World First TV Convention Amsterdam 1981.
The made the single (Dutch) TV hit parade "Top Pop" in March 1982.
Fandangos Magazine by Raul Marroquin Third Issue: VanTangos 3 1972 first Offset Issue of the publication 3000 monochrome copies with blue Inset
Shower composite: ShowerHead, Crystal TearDrops suspended in coper wire 090 x 10 cm with Shower sound loop in cassette player
Raul Marroquin 1986
(private collection New York)
ready made 2017 edition of 5 in CardBoard box signed and numbered
Children Game Raul Marroquin 1973 varnished monochrome SilkScreen 50 X 70 cm edition of 25 & 7 artist proofs signe and numbered
"Transformation of the Environment in Liege" Raul Marroquin 1972 marron monochrome SilkScreen of a single frame from the video recording of the performance" Transformation of the Environment" Conservatory Liege 53 x 28 cm with 4 rubber stamps edition of 20 + 5 artists proofs signed and numbered
Single Frame of the video recording from the performance of "Fandangos Evening News" (starring Titus Muizelaar) De Appel Amsterdam 1977 a work of Raul Marroquin screened as part of the exhibition "the 1980s Today's Beginings" van Abbe Museum Eindhoven